K-0RN "Orion"

K-0RN "Orion"
(KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Combat Droid

Combat Droid Upgrade - III: Enhanced Combat Protocols (Advanced)

Droid Personality: Droid Knows Best

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III: Upgraded Processor (Experimental)

Droid Structural Upgrade - II: Waterproofing (Basic)

Droid Cosmetic: Mint Condition


  • Z6 Riot Control Baton
  • Bantha Cycler Rifle


Owned by: Nikora Rhan

Prototype: KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droid

Slotted in: Free Droid Enclave - Security

KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droid is a variant of the KX-series Security Droid that has been heavily modified and upgraded by the Rebel Alliance in their opposition to the Galactic Empire's reign.

Enhanced Combat Protocols (Advanced) (Combat Droid Upgrade - III)

K-0RN "Orion" has been programmed with greatly improved combat protocols, allowing it to perform much better in multiple combat scenarios when compared to other KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droids.

Droid Knows Best (Droid Personality)

K-0RN "Orion" has developed a personality focused around the superiority of droids. As a result, K-0RN "Orion" will often question any orders it receives and will not hesitate to present its own alternatives. While still capable of following orders as directed, K-0RN "Orion" will not comply without at least a partial debate.

Upgraded Processor (Experimental) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III)

The experimental memory upgrade provides quantum computing power to this KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droid, allowing it to perform complex analytical operations at an incredibly faster rate than before.

Waterproofing (Basic) (Droid Structural Upgrade - II)

K-0RN "Orion" has been fitted with basic waterproof seals on its joints and openings, allowing this KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droid to be submerged in water without suffering catastrophic damage

Mint Condition (Droid Cosmetic)

K-0RN "Orion" has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though KX-series "Rebellion Edition" Security Droid was freshly off the manufacturing line. Absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections, the only thing missing is the new droid smell.