Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform

Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform
Type: Armor
Category: Attire

Armor Enhancement - III: Optical Camouflage System (Basic)

Armor Enhancement - III: Thermal Containment System

Armor Cosmetic: Black Sun Pattern


Owned by: Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow

Prototype: Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform

The Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform is a variant of the Imperial Military Uniform with a white tunic and trousers, golden epaulets, and appropriate rank insignia plaque.

Optical Camouflage System (Basic) (Armor Enhancement - III)

Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform has been fitted with an experimental optical camouflage generation system, allowing this Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform to hide from the naked eye and visual sensors by being rendered invisible. To maintain this, the user of Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform must remain completely still.

Thermal Containment System (Armor Enhancement - III)

Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform has been fitted with a temperature containment system, allowing for Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform to avoid detection by thermal scanners.

Black Sun Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Imperial Grand Admiral's Uniform has been designed with a gold and grey color scheme typically associated with the Black Sun. Each component of the armor shares the same gold trim and grey base.