DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol
Weapon (Blasters)
Blaster Pistol
Blaster Weapon Targeting Enhancement - III: XAD Omnisight
Blaster Weapon Enhancement - III: Arakyd 900 Gene-Lock + Trapped Grip
Blaster Weapon Upgrade - IV: Trandoshan Tripler
Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Blackout
Owned by: Sage Cassandra Oriana Taldrya
DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol is a heavily modified variation of the DT-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol that retains the same manually reloaded energy packs along with several adjustments. It is fitted with a macroscope giving it adjustable magnification and superior low-light capabilities. Imperial Director Orson Krennic used a version of this weapon as his primary means of protection as he carried out the duties of the Empire.
The top of this DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol has been fitted with an omni scope, allowing DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol to locate targets in darkness or through smoke with infrared and ultrasonic sensors.
The handle on this DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol has been modified with a cell recognizer and trapped handle. When an unauthorized user grabs DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol, several spikes erupt from the hilt and stab the holder's hand.
DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol has been fitted with a Trandoshan Tripler, incorporating several upgraded systems giving the DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol exceptionally greater firepower compared to the stock model.
DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this DT-29 "Director Edition" Heavy Blaster Pistol to more easily blend into the shadows and darkness unseen.