Jacquote's gear

Jacquote's gear
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Utility Belt
  • Sapphire Blade
  • Pendant of Service
  • Medpac
  • Armory DL-44 Blaster Pistol
  • Novitiate Armory Lightsaber
  • Breath Mask
  • Vibrodagger
  • Engineering Backpack
  • Smoke Bomb
  • Corzo 2-MAL Comlink
  • Amulet of Respite
  • Merr-Sonn Q2 Holdout Blaster
  • IG-86 Sentinel Droid
  • Family Heirloom
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Datapad
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Hunter Attire
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Sensor Jammer
  • Syndicate Hunter Attire
  • Hydrospanner
  • Arc Welder
  • Grappling Hook
  • Hunter Killer Training Remote
  • Elite Syndicate Hunter Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Blaster Pistol
  • Syndicate Datapad
  • Skylance
  • Flare-S Swoop
  • Viper Fang
  • Royal Guard Vambrace
  • Breath Mask
  • Seneschal's Personal Energy Shield Generator
  • Brotherhood-issued Computer Linked Gauntlets
  • Syndicate Sensor Jammer
  • Utility Belt
  • BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • RX-series Pilot Droid
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Syndicate Hunter Armor
  • Scoundrel's Sabacc Deck
  • Honest Stone
  • Inquisitorius Dart Shooter
  • Computer Linked Gauntlets
  • Costume
  • Pendant of Ascension
  • ID10 Seeker Droid
  • Sapphire Blade

Owned by: Jafits Skrumm

Container usable to group items