D-93w Flame Projector Gun
Weapon (Miscellaneous)
Incendiary Weapon
Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Stormtrooper Style
Incendiary Weapon Targeting Enhancement - I: 80Z telescopic optical sight
Incendiary Weapon Upgrade - II: Improved Fuel Cell
Incendiary Weapon Ammunition - I: High-Pressure Flame Thrower
Owned by: Antei Armaments
Prototype: D-93w Flame Projector Gun
The D-93w Flame Projector Gun is a large incendiary weapon that produces a burning stream of liquid when fired in an adjustable cone of fire up to seventy-five meters long and five meters in diameter, capable of thirty seconds of sustained fire alone but easily extended by attaching an external fuel source.
D-93w Flame Projector Gun has had its main body coated in a stark white plastoid alloy in the same style as a stormtrooper, with the rest of the components painted black, giving this D-93w Flame Projector Gun an appearance as though it's wearing stormtrooper armor.
The top of this D-93w Flame Projector Gun has been fitted with a basic optical sight, allowing D-93w Flame Projector Gun up to 2x zoom.
This D-93w Flame Projector Gun has been fitted with an improved fuel cell, allowing D-93w Flame Projector Gun to fire a cone of propellent for a prolonged period of time.
The ammunition on this {{original_item_name)) has been swapped with a highly pressurized flame propellent, allowing D-93w Flame Projector Gun to nearly double the range of its flames