BARC Speeder

BARC Speeder
Type: Land Vehicle
Category: Speeder Bike

Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic: Cyan and Gold

Land Vehicle Modification : Net Carrier


  • Turbothruster
  • Modernization


  • Electric Shock Security Device

Hardpoint: Empty


Owned by: Research Director Kadrol Hauen

Prototype: BARC Speeder

Slotted in: 01- Kadrol Stuff

The Biker Advanced Recon Commando (BARC) Speeder is a Speeder Bike designed as a scouting and escort vehicle for operating in a wide range of environments and missions. Clone troopers in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army used the BARC Speeder during the Clone Wars for increased speed, mobility, and firepower.

2 light blaster cannons (front)

1 pilot

Cyan and Gold (Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic)

Kadrol Hauen’s BARC Speeder is coated in a base color of imperial gray with cyan accents. Around the edges of the accents is a gold trim, which gives the accents a certain ‘pop’.

Net Carrier (Land Vehicle Modification )

This BARC Speeder has been fitted with a small carry net on each side of the speeder at the rear. This carrying capacity comes at a slight loss of speed when in use as the speeder loses some aerodynamic ability and is slightly more encumbered than before.

Hardpoint (0/1)

This slot is empty