Weapon (Lightsaber)
Advanced Lightsaber Cosmetic: Dossier
Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - II: Reflex Grip
Lightsaber Enhancement - I: Lock-On Switch
Lightsaber Focusing Crystal: Empty
Owned by: Jafits Skrumm
Prototype: Lightsaber
Slotted in: Jafits' gear
The Lightsaber is a weapon used by Jedi and Sith. It is a plasma blade, emitted from a hilt and powered by crystals that determine the characteristics and color. It is useful as both an offensive and defensive weapon depending on the skill of the one wielding it. Capable of cutting through virtually anything including blast doors given enough time.
See snapshot image.
This lightsaber has been built with a reflex grip, allowing the wielder to quickly adjust to changes in combat and provide an edge when parrying or deflecting.
This lightsaber has been fitted with a lock-on switch, allowing the blade to be locked in the on-position and requiring another push of the activation button to deactivate.
This slot is empty