
Type: Companion
Category: Insect

Tameability Category: Untameable

Toxic Creature: Venomous Tentacles: Lylek

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3


Owned by: Iron Menagerie

Prototype: Lylek

The Lylek is a ferocious large insectoid and the apex predator of Ryloth. Bearing spiked pincers, sharp mandibles and two tentacles near their maw, these fearsome creatures were rightly feared by those who have encountered one.


Granted Aspect: Untameable (Tameability Category)


Lylek is wild, and its behavior cannot be modified to accept the presence of humanoids. It cannot be trained to abandon its wild instincts and will generally continue to do whatever it wants. As creature handling goes up, a character can better predict what this creature will do and empathize and understand it despite being unable to tame it. With proficiency (+3) a member could manage to successfully own and cage this creature but not safely interact with it and influence its behavior, with a better understanding and ability to manage this Lylek coming with mastery (+5).

Granted Aspect: Venomous Tentacles: Lylek (Toxic Creature)

Venomous Tentacles: Lylek

Severe: Lylek’s tail tentacle is tipped with a poisonous barb. While not deadly, the paralytic effect can hinder an adult humanoid immobile while similarly hindering even larger creatures with repeated strikes.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Creature Physical
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Creature Personality
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Creature Cosmetic