Tameability Category: Tameable
Creature Cosmetic: Typical
Creature Personality: Sly Nature
Creature Physical: Just Right
Owned by: Sofila "Spicy" Douve Armis
Prototype: Boar-wolf
Slotted in: 04. Lula items
Wiki link: Lulaire
The Boar-wolf is a bristle-backed creature from the forests of Endor, hunted for their meat by Ewoks. With sizable tusks, bad temperament and territorial nature, they resisted all but the most skilled hunting parties. As a result, their successful kill was celebrated as lucky, and their tusks and teeth used as weapons by the Ewoks.
Takka is wild by nature, but has had its behavior modified to accept the presence of humanoids by an intervention. It is trained against its wild instincts to accept humanoids. As creature handling goes up, a member can better empathize, train, and manage this creature's behavior. Untrained (+0), this creature will do whatever it wants and one would be helpless to understand why, with its natural disposition taking over. As creature handling skills improve, a member can understand, care for, and better influence this creature with full control achieved with mastery (+5) of creature handling.
Takka has typical coloring and physical appearance for a Boar-wolf.
Takka has a penchant for playing coy or misleading other creatures or beings into doing what Takka wants. They can shift between playful, meek, confident, or indifferent demeanors, allowing them to typically get what they want out of a given situation.
Takka is the average size and body mass for a Boar-wolf, with a balanced build for mobility agility, and power.