Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor

Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Enhancement - I: Utility Arm

Armor Enhancement - I: Climate-Controlled Body Glove

Armor Helmet Upgrade - II: Medical H.U.D.

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Radiation Resistance (Advanced)

Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III: Re-entry Ready (Advanced)

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Nightsister Sinya Ani

Prototype: Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor

The Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor is a variant of the more traditional Mandalorian Armor that is heavily customized to remove much of the plating to give the armor as much mobility as possible, leaving only the iconic helmet with its T-shaped visor untouched. Sabine Wren of Phoenix Squadron wore such heavily modified armor along with a personalized paint job. The armor is constructed of durasteel, and is able to be pressurized via a toggle to allow the wearer to survive in space, toxic atmospheres, and under water.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic
Utility Arm (Armor Enhancement - I)

Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor has been fitted with a small utility arm, allowing this Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor to assist the wearer in a multitude of tasks, but is unable to hold or fire a weapon.

Climate-Controlled Body Glove (Armor Enhancement - I)

Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor is fitted with a climate-controlled body-glove, that allows the wearer of this Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor to operate in extreme temperature conditions without loss of function, or freezing or burning to death.

Medical H.U.D. (Armor Helmet Upgrade - II)

The helmet on this Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor has been fitted with a medical oriented heads up display compared to other Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armors. All prevalent medical information of a patient is displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range, for ease of use while keeping the center view unobstructed.

Radiation Resistance (Advanced) (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

This Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor has been constructed using radiation resistant materials and seals, allowing the wearer to operate in irradiated environments for an extended period of time without harm.

Re-entry Ready (Advanced) (Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III)

Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Mandalorian "Phoenix Edition" Armor to safely pass through Class III and IV atmospheres from orbit, with slight resistance to electrical and ion storms.