Hadzuska ('Zuska' for short)

Hadzuska ('Zuska' for short)
Type: Companion
Category: Mammal

Tameability Category: Tameable

Toxic Creature: Venomous Tail: Vornskr

Creature Personality: Alpha

Creature Physical: Just Right

Creature Cosmetic: Like the Shadows


Owned by: Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae

Prototype: Vornskr

Slotted in: Creatures/Pets

The Vornskr is a large predatory canine with a whiplike venomous tail.


Granted Aspect: Tameable (Tameability Category)


Hadzuska ('Zuska' for short) is wild by nature, but has had its behavior modified to accept the presence of humanoids by an intervention. It is trained against its wild instincts to accept humanoids. As creature handling goes up, a member can better empathize, train, and manage this creature's behavior. Untrained (+0), this creature will do whatever it wants and one would be helpless to understand why, with its natural disposition taking over. As creature handling skills improve, a member can understand, care for, and better influence this creature with full control achieved with mastery (+5) of creature handling.

Granted Aspect: Venomous Tail: Vornskr (Toxic Creature)

Venomous Tail: Vornskr

Mild: Vornskr’s tail delivers a mild venom that it uses to stun small prey, but is surprisingly ineffective on humanoids or larger predators.

Alpha (Creature Personality)

Hadzuska ('Zuska' for short) has a natural, instinctive drive to take the lead when around other creatures, especially when among fellow Vornskr’s. They are usually the first to take point and will often look to assert their dominance by means of aggressive actions or by vocalizing with their respective method of communication (howling, hissing, roaring, etc.).

Just Right (Creature Physical)

Hadzuska ('Zuska' for short) is the average size and body mass for a Vornskr, with a balanced build for mobility agility, and power.

Like the Shadows (Creature Cosmetic)

Hadzuska ('Zuska' for short) has a rich gleaming black coat, with hints of midnight blue and silver streaks in his short fur. The richness of his coat's colors shows the exquisite care taken to keep him in tip top shape. The darkness of his coat also enables him to blend into shadows or any dark place, which is perfect for a sneak attack. However in lighter conditions and environments, he can be more easily spotted, thus any element of surprise is gone instantly.