Riot Shield

Riot Shield
Type: Weapon (Blunt)
Category: Shield

Blunt Weapon Handle Upgrade - I: Integrated Illuminator

Blunt Weapon Upgrade - II: Weighted Core

Shield Cosmetic: Imperial Gray


Owned by: Dr. Bril Teg Arga

Prototype: Riot Shield

Slotted in: ISD-17 (Izzy)

The Riot Shield is a personal shield constructed of a metal frame and an energy shield that is opaque to anyone looking at it, but which the wielder can see through. Striking with the shield results in a discharge of equivalent energy to a stun baton. In typical use, it will survive several blaster bolts or a single strike from a lightsaber.

Integrated Illuminator (Blunt Weapon Handle Upgrade - I)

The handle on this Riot Shield has been modified with an integrated illuminator on the bottom, allowing Riot Shield to be used to illuminate dark areas.

Weighted Core (Blunt Weapon Upgrade - II)

Riot Shield has had as much material as possible removed and replaced with far denser material, increasing the weight of this Riot Shield as much as possible while attempting to maintain overall balance.

Imperial Gray (Shield Cosmetic)

Riot Shield has its frame and features in the natural gray color of durasteel, making this Riot Shield fit in well with the war machines of the Galactic Empire.