BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Weapon (Blasters)
Blaster Pistol
Blaster Weapon Targeting Enhancement - II: D3x macroscope
Blaster Weapon Upgrade - II: Ionizing Focusing Coils
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: Tomora Nay'ek
Prototype: BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol
The BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol is a magazined heavy blaster pistol that has to be side-loaded manually with energy packs that contain twelve rounds, causing it to be immune to overheating. This allows the weapon to fire single shots in rapid succession. It is equipped with an image magnifying macroscope that gives it accuracy in long-range shots, with far less accuracy in close range.
The top of this BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol has been fitted with a D3x macroscope, allowing BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol up to 3x zoom with three adjustment levels of magnification.
BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol has been modified with ionizing focusing coils, allowing this BlasTech DG-29 Heavy Blaster Pistol to fire a blaster bolt that is partially ionized for increased effectiveness against droids and electrical equipment.