O-66 Pilot Droid

O-66 Pilot Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Pilot Droid

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II: Language Processing Unit

Droid Cosmetic: Silver And Gold

Droid Personality: Droid Knows Best

Droid Structural Upgrade - III: Automated Repair (Experimental)


Owned by: Master Windos

Prototype: O-66 Pilot Droid

Slotted in: Foot Locker: Ihi Ariki

The O-66 Pilot Droid is a specialized Pilot Droid designed to be a caretaker and pilot droid. It has a humanoid appearance with silver plating, and is incredibly protective of the vessel it is assigned to. It has the ability to repair itself, even if decapitated. Emperor Palpatine was known to utilize one of these droids to care for the Scimitar after the fall of Darth Maul.

Language Processing Unit (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II)

This O-66 Pilot Droid has been fitted with a complete database unit on galactic languages, allowing O-66 Pilot Droid to recite and translate known languages like a protocol droid.

Silver And Gold (Droid Cosmetic)

O-66 Pilot Droid has been altered to appear more as a token of wealth than your typical O-66 Pilot Droid. Silver paint has been applied to the droid's exterior, allowing for accented gold plating in order to create a contrast and draw attention to the supposed credit value the droid represents.

Droid Knows Best (Droid Personality)

O-66 Pilot Droid has developed a personality focused around the superiority of droids. As a result, O-66 Pilot Droid will often question any orders it receives and will not hesitate to present its own alternatives. While still capable of following orders as directed, O-66 Pilot Droid will not comply without at least a partial debate.

Automated Repair (Experimental) (Droid Structural Upgrade - III)

An experimental automated repair system has been installed on this O-66 Pilot Droid, giving it an ability to perform or assist in the performance of self-diagnosis and self-repair of its mechanical systems. This system slows the droid while it assesses any necessary repairs when dealing with heavy damage, and can perform very basic tasks or actions while assessing necessary repairs.