
Type: Mount
Category: Reptavian

Tameability Category: Domesticated

Creature Physical: Just Right

Creature Personality: Apex Hunter

Creature Cosmetic: Typical


Owned by: Dr. Rhylance

Prototype: Keeradak

Slotted in: Eleceos Menagerie

The Keeradak is a non-sentient creature from Skao Minor. They communicate with others of their species through rather distinctive cries. It is believed that some worshipped these animals.


Granted Aspect: Domesticated (Tameability Category)


Bane was bred in a tame condition, and is comfortable around humanoids. It depends on humanoids for survival and looks to them for support. As creature handling goes up, a member can better understand and train and control this creature, but it will always look to Eleceos Araave for guidance and support. When a character is proficient (+3) at handling creatures, they can do all they need with a domesticated creature.

Just Right (Creature Physical)

Bane is the average size and body mass for a Keeradak, with a balanced build for mobility agility, and power.

Apex Hunter (Creature Personality)

Bane thrives on the hunt, and is confident with taking bold action when pursuing prey or a target. They see no need to hide, taking pride in their natural abilities to bring them success.

Typical (Creature Cosmetic)

Bane has typical coloring and physical appearance for a Keeradak.