(Synergy Vibroclaw Talon Glove)
Weapon (Miscellaneous)
Glove Weapon
Glove Weapon Cosmetic: If They Look Sharp, They Probably Are.
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: Mistress Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra
Prototype: Synergy Vibroclaw Talon Glove
Slotted in: Alaisy
The Vibroclaw Talon Glove is a powered glove that runs up to the wearer's mid-forearm, with a sharp claw two inches long on each of the fingertips.
These Claws glint and gleam as if each nail received hours of polish. They are obvious and nearly impossible to miss, giving off both a high fashion and intimidating vibe. From the pointed chromium nails a small metal chain connects them to the plated knuckles. Each segment is firmly attached by metal rings that coil around the wearer's fingers.