Karran's Stuff

Karran's Stuff
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Casual Attire
  • Cybernetic
  • Dragon's Fang
  • Memory Necklace
  • Zhaboka
  • Gaderffii Stick
  • Double-bladed Lightsaber
  • Casual Attire
  • Brotherhood History Book
  • Dark Gift
  • Glowrod
  • Tribe Kell Cloak
  • Dragon Claw
  • Shard of The Voidbreaker
  • Hunting Knife
  • BD-25
  • Nanoforge
  • Jedi Temple Guard Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Essentials Kit

Owned by: Battlemaster Karran Val'teo

Container usable to group items