Unassigned gear

Unassigned gear
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Scroll of the Code
  • Researcher Robes
  • Inquisitor Disguise
  • Chief Inquisitor Disguise
  • Amethyst Kukri
  • Diamond Sword
  • Royal Guard Disguise
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Sensor Jammer
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Datapad
  • Lightsaber Pistol
  • Ancient Jedi tome
  • Sentinel Network secure comlink
  • Royal Guard Force Pike
  • Enviro-Scanner
  • Sapphire Blade
  • Sapphire Blade
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Royal Guard Praetorian Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Combatant's Foam Hand
  • Ring of Visions
  • Brotherhood-issued Synergy CX-17m ICWS
  • Brotherhood-issued Legion's Eye
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard TactiX Manual
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Royal Guard TactiX Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard TactiX Armor
  • Amethyst Kukri
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard Datapad
  • Sapphire Blade
  • Sentinel Network datapad
  • SENNET Scanner

Owned by: Boss Morgan B. Sorenn

Container usable to group items