
(Mandalorian Beskar Armor)
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Granted: Pure Beskar Alloy

Armor Enhancement - IV: Kneepad Rocket Darts

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV: Re-entry Ready (Experimental)

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Vacuum/Zero-G Seal

Armor Helmet Upgrade - IV: Anti-Glare Coating (Experimental)

Armor Cosmetic: Loyalist Pattern

Armor Enhancement - II: Ion Hardened


Owned by: Battlelord Haro Zylrun

Prototype: Mandalorian Beskar Armor

Slotted in: Besbe

The Mandalorian Beskar Armor is immediately recognizable and a show of wealth, made entirely from pure beskar alloy and consisting of a helmet, shoulder pauldrons, wrist gauntlets, breastplate, codpiece, kneepads, as well as leg guards all clasped over a full body glove that provides both comfort and protection. Mandalorian Beskar Armor can be forged into many different designs and types of Mandalorian Armor, but every suit is unique. The helmet possesses an iconic T-shaped visor as well as an antenna tipped with a macrobinocular rangefinder that can be pulled over the viewplate. The armor is able to be pressurized via a toggle to allow the wearer to survive in space, toxic atmospheres, and under water.

Granted Aspect: Pure Beskar Alloy (Granted)

Pure Beskar Alloy

This Mandalorian Beskar Armor has been constructed with pure beskar alloy. This pure beskar alloy allows Haro Zylrun to use his Mandalorian Beskar Armor to resist blaster and lightsaber attacks.

Kneepad Rocket Darts (Armor Enhancement - IV)

Beskar'gam has been fitted with rocket darts in one of its kneepads, allowing this Mandalorian Beskar Armor to fire explosive-tipped darts from the knee using the wearer's Explosives skill.

Re-entry Ready (Experimental) (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV)

Beskar'gam has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Mandalorian Beskar Armor to safely pass through Class V atmospheres from orbit, including the most severe weather and atmospheric conditions.

Vacuum/Zero-G Seal (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

This Mandalorian Beskar Armor has been fitted with various zero-g/vacuum seals complete with helmet scrubbers, allowing the user the ability to operate in zero-g environments and the vacuum of space while providing them with a limited supply of breathable air.

Anti-Glare Coating (Experimental) (Armor Helmet Upgrade - IV)

The helmet viewplate in this Mandalorian Beskar Armor has been coated with an experimental specialized material in order to completely reduce the potential for glare in sudden high-brightness situations. It affords the user a clear view of situations that would typically be difficult to see or disorienting, and restores itself to the ambient lighting quickly.

Loyalist Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Beskar'gam has been designed to bear the emblem of Haro Zylrun's associated faction prominently. While maintaining the color scheme associated with other Mandalorian Beskar Armor, the large emblem is unmistakable.

Ion Hardened (Armor Enhancement - II)

Beskar'gam has been fitted with an ion hardening system, protecting the power generator and cells of this armor from shutting off due to ion damage.