Imperial Inquisitor Armor

Imperial Inquisitor Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Matte Black Pattern

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Life Support System

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II: Re-entry Ready (Basic)

Armor Enhancement - II: Space Vehicle Slaving System


Owned by: Antares Consolidated Armorers

Prototype: Imperial Inquisitor Armor

The Imperial Inquisitor Armor is a Medium Armor designed with a sinister appearance to inspire fear in the enemy. A black medium plated armor or heavy set of robes with armor plating is almost always accompanied by a helmet with a red visor that shields the identity of the wearer. Imperial Inquisitor Armor was frequently worn by the Empire's Inquisitorius while hunting down Jedi during the Jedi Purge.

Matte Black Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Imperial Inquisitor Armor has been designed with a black color scheme. Each component of the armor shares the same matte application of black.

Life Support System (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

Imperial Inquisitor Armor has been fitted with a full life support system suite, ensuring that at all times the wearer's body receives enough vital nutrients for a finite amount of time.

Re-entry Ready (Basic) (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II)

Imperial Inquisitor Armor has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Imperial Inquisitor Armor to safely pass through Class I and II atmospheres from orbit with no severe weather present.

Space Vehicle Slaving System (Armor Enhancement - II)

A slave system has been installed in Imperial Inquisitor Armor, allowing this Imperial Inquisitor Armor to call a starship that has been equipped with a slaving system to the location of the wearer.