Shard of the Voidbreaker

Shard of the Voidbreaker
(Family Heirloom)
Type/Category: Accessory

Family Heirloom: Shard of the Voidbreaker


Owned by: Mistress Aphotis

Prototype: Family Heirloom

Slotted in: Alaisy

The Family Heirloom is a cherished item passed down through generation after generation of the owner's lineage.

Shard of the Voidbreaker (Family Heirloom)

A piece of dark blue durasteel that once was part of the Voidbreaker's hull plating. It is barely larger than a matchbook and easily fits in Aphotis's pocket. The shard is one of the last pieces that remain of the original Consular-class cruiser of Qel-Droma.