ST-70 Assault Ship

ST-70 Assault Ship
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Assault Ship

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Blood Red

Space Vehicle Modification: Onboard Luxury Amenities

Hardpoint: Empty

Enhancement: Empty

Upgrade: Empty


Owned by: Arx Starship Acquisitions

Prototype: ST-70 Assault Ship

The ST-70 Assault Ship is a 14-meter long Assault Ship that uses a design predating the time of the Galactic Empire. Like the Firespray-31 Interceptor, it was designed as a military patrol craft. It has a long skinny fuselage with two decks that features large sublight engines on either side. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average maneuverability and speed, with average armor and great shielding. The bounty hunter Din Djarin used one of these craft after the fall of the Empire.

2 laser cannons

1 pilot
4 passengers
30 metric tons of cargo space

Blood Red (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

ST-70 Assault Ship has had all of its coverings painted in crimson red, so that this ST-70 Assault Ship garners attention no matter where it goes.

Onboard Luxury Amenities (Space Vehicle Modification)

ST-70 Assault Ship has had its interior converted to provide the epitome of luxury and comfort, befitting Arx Starship Acquisitions's preferences.

Enhancement (0/1)

This slot is empty

Hardpoint (0/1)

This slot is empty

Upgrade (0/2)

This slot is empty