BlasTech EE-4 Blaster Rifle
Weapon (Blasters)
Blaster Rifle
Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - II: Ultraviolet Scope
Blaster Weapon Upgrade - II: Shadowholster
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Owned by: The Vault
Prototype: BlasTech EE-4 Blaster Rifle
The BlasTech EE-4 is a blaster carbine, designed as the successor to the EE-3 carbine rifle with a shortened barrel that allowed it a much faster rate of fire making it incredibly deadly in close-range combat but with a drastically reduced accuracy at range.
The top of this BlasTech EE-4 Blaster Rifle has been fitted with an ultraviolet scope, allowing BlasTech EE-4 Blaster Rifle to locate targets in the ultraviolet viewing spectrum.
The chassis on BlasTech EE-4 Blaster Rifle has been modified so that it can be typically stored inside a specialized accompanying holster that conceals the majority of BlasTech EE-4 Blaster Rifle using optical camouflage technology.