
(D-O Series Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Utility Droid

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II: Language Processing Unit

Droid Cosmetic: Droid Rave

Droid Structural Upgrade - II: Weight Reduction (Advanced)


Owned by: Team Leader Syrena Valkar

Prototype: D-O Series Droid

The D-O series droid is a small droid comprised almost entirely of a single wheel, cone-shaped head, and the mechanisms to allow it to rotate and move about. They are tiny in size at 0.46 meters, and speak a less complex form of droid binary that is easier for non-droids to understand. While it is capable of speaking in basic, it is rather limited and often times garbled with a noticeable stutter. The Sith Assassin Ochi of Bestoon owned one of these droids.

Language Processing Unit (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II)

This D-O Series Droid has been fitted with a complete database unit on galactic languages, allowing Dazzle to recite and translate known languages like a protocol droid.

Droid Rave (Droid Cosmetic)

The mechanical lights found on the outside of the droid can flash a series of colors. Its body is covered in a layer of fragmented mirrors, giving the droid a disco-ball like effect when the lights are flashing.

Weight Reduction (Advanced) (Droid Structural Upgrade - II)

Dazzle has been modified from the standard design with much lighter components, allowing this Dazzle to move at a much greater rate of speed compared to other D-O Series Droid.