Sith Trooper Armor

Sith Trooper Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Armor Helmet Upgrade - III: Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System

Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III: Re-entry Ready (Advanced)

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II: Life Support System

Armor Enhancement - I: Utility Arm

Armor Enhancement - III: Sensor Telemetry Pod

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Antares Consolidated Armorers

Prototype: Sith Trooper Armor

The Sith Trooper Armour is a Heavy Armor worn by the Sith Eternal's Sith Troopers, considered the most elite Stormtroopers. It is similar in design to standard First Order Stormtrooper Armor, but is crimson in color and considered the most advanced Stormtrooper armor ever created. The helmet comes equipped with targeting sensors, atmosphere filtration, and accompanying systems to calculate the chance of combat success. It also has greater range of movement thanks to articulated armor plates.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Armor Cosmetic
Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System (Armor Helmet Upgrade - III)

The helmet of this Sith Trooper Armor has been fitted with a Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System (MFTAS), allowing the user to track and scan for multiple enemy targets. The MFTAS can calculate the outcomes of various tactics in a compressed time via computer models. Telemetry data including atmospheric conditions, the user's ammo count, unit member distance and individual ID tags, firing solutions, and tactical information is displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range for ease of use while keeping the center view unobstructed.

Re-entry Ready (Advanced) (Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III)

Sith Trooper Armor has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Sith Trooper Armor to safely pass through Class III and IV atmospheres from orbit, with slight resistance to electrical and ion storms.

Life Support System (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - II)

Sith Trooper Armor has been fitted with a full life support system suite, ensuring that at all times the wearer's body receives enough vital nutrients for a finite amount of time.

Utility Arm (Armor Enhancement - I)

Sith Trooper Armor has been fitted with a small utility arm, allowing this Sith Trooper Armor to assist the wearer in a multitude of tasks, but is unable to hold or fire a weapon.

Sensor Telemetry Pod (Armor Enhancement - III)

Sith Trooper Armor has been fitted with an integrated sensor telemetry pod emitting active signals programmed to bounce and return, providing accurate environmental data to feed to the user's Multi-Frequency Target Acquisition System should they have one, and back to a command center through encrypted telemetry.