GRA-994 "Granna"
(DUM-series Pit Droid)
Utility Droid
Droid Cosmetic: Silver And Gold
Droid Personality: Delusions Of Grandeur
Owned by: Nikora Rhan
Prototype: DUM-series Pit Droid
Slotted in: Free Droid Enclave - Engineering & Piloting
Wiki link: Timeout or error contacting Wiki
The DUM-series Pit Droid is a cheap, durable model of repair droid featuring the ability to fold into a compact form when not in use. It is bipedal in design with three-fingered pincer hands as well as a hat shaped head with a single photosensor that resembles a large nose. The compact form can be toggled by tapping their "nose".
GRA-994 "Granna" has been altered to appear more as a token of wealth than your typical DUM-series Pit Droid. Silver paint has been applied to the droid's exterior, allowing for accented gold plating in order to create a contrast and draw attention to the supposed credit value the droid represents.
GRA-994 "Granna" has developed an obsessive personality centered around the concept of self-improvement. GRA-994 "Granna" truly believes itself to be superior to any other DUM-series Pit Droid and capable of accomplishing great feats. This drive aids it in accomplishing its tasks, but sometimes will result in unexpected additional outcomes.