YC-123B Transport Hauler

YC-123B Transport Hauler
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Light Freighter

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Blackout


  • Pulsed Ray Shield


Owned by: Battlelord Haro Zylrun

Prototype: YC-123B Transport Hauler

Slotted in: Besbe

The YC-123B Transport Hauler is a 26.8-meter long Transport designed to haul passengers or cargo but has also seen use as a drop-ship into combat zones. It has a bank of six CEC-3900hh ion engines at the rear, with a large almost square-shaped body, the cockpit positioned above the main hold and at the fore of the ship. Hyperdrive capable, it has poor maneuverability and speed, with average armor. It has a large drop-down landing door that encompasses the entire front of the main hold and serves as the main access to the ship, providing quick loading or offloading of cargo or passengers.

2 heavy laser cannons (forward)
1 triple laser cannon turret (top)

1 pilot and 1 co-pilot or gunner for full effectiveness
120 passengers

Blackout (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

YC-123B Transport Hauler has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this YC-123B Transport Hauler to more easily blend into the darkness of space

Upgrade (1/1)