4D Command Bridge Droid

4D Command Bridge Droid
Type: Droid
Category: Protocol Droid

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 4


Owned by: Utilis Innovations

Prototype: 4D Command Bridge Droid

The 4D Command Bridge Droid is a Protocol Droid designed as a command bridge droid and droid assistant. It features a humanoid design with exceptional movement capabilities, and an attack mode. When in attack mode, hidden blasters are revealed on the shoulders and wrists of the droid and it is capable of dodging blaster fire. Captain Doza was known to utilize one of these droids onboard the Colossus.

Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Droid Structural Upgrade - I, Droid Structural Upgrade - II, or Droid Structural Upgrade - III
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Cosmetic
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Droid Personality
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Droid Enhancement Upgrade - I, Droid Enhancement Upgrade - II, or Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III