Strike-class Tenixir r20 Medium Cruiser

Strike-class Tenixir r20 Medium Cruiser
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Frigate


  • TIE/LN Starfighter Squadron
  • Z-95 Headhunter Squadron

Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty


Owned by: The Tenixir Revenants

Slotted in: Ravagers

The Strike-class Tenixir r20 Medium Cruiser is a 450-meter long Frigate that was originally designed by the Collective for a wide range of mission profiles across the galaxy as a modified version of the Strike-class Medium Cruiser to maintain their reach and spread influence but was salvaged and repurposed by the Tenixir Revenants following the Collective's downfall at Arx. Although returned to working order, the Tenixir Revenants have trouble keeping this ship fully crewed and operational with supplies due to the size of their group. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and speed, along with heavy armoring and shields.

30 dual turbolaser turrets
10 ion turrets
10 tractor beams

500 crew for full effectiveness
1,000 passengers
4,000 metric tons of cargo
2 squadrons of starfighters

Capital Ship Upgrade (0/6)

This slot is empty