GNK- 080088776600 "Breakdown"

GNK- 080088776600 "Breakdown"
(GNK Power Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Utility Droid

Droid Cosmetic: Silver And Gold

Droid Personality: Droid Knows Best


Owned by: Nikora Rhan

Prototype: GNK Power Droid

Slotted in: Free Droid Enclave - Engineering & Piloting

The GNK-Power Droid is a bipedal power droid with a box shaped body. It is commonly used throughout the galaxy to provide power to facilities and outposts without a reliable power grid. It is only capable of simple vocalizations, giving it the nickname of "Gonk droid".

Silver And Gold (Droid Cosmetic)

GNK- 080088776600 "Breakdown" has been altered to appear more as a token of wealth than your typical GNK Power Droid. Silver paint has been applied to the droid's exterior, allowing for accented gold plating in order to create a contrast and draw attention to the supposed credit value the droid represents.

Droid Knows Best (Droid Personality)

GNK- 080088776600 "Breakdown" has developed a personality focused around the superiority of droids. As a result, GNK- 080088776600 "Breakdown" will often question any orders it receives and will not hesitate to present its own alternatives. While still capable of following orders as directed, GNK- 080088776600 "Breakdown" will not comply without at least a partial debate.