Hunting Knife

Hunting Knife
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Dagger

Melee Weapon Cosmetic: Mint Condition

Poison Weapon: Type V - Herbicide


Owned by: Knight Ahsik Warren

Prototype: Hunting Knife

The Hunting Knife is a simple bladed weapon with a and very short durasteel blade that is easily concealed.

Mint Condition (Melee Weapon Cosmetic)

Hunting Knife has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though Hunting Knife was freshly off the manufacturing line. It is absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections.

Type V - Herbicide (Poison Weapon)

Hunting Knife has been coated with a type of poison that specifically target and counteract photosynthesis and aim to cripple species that have chlorophyll instead of a regular blood stream. The poison triggers on contact with the "skin" or "bloodstream", with the most severe symptoms manifesting in the immediate area of the wound. Requires the "Poison Weapons Feat" on the Character Sheets to be effective in combat.