Nightsister Armor

Nightsister Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Light Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Low-Light Camo

Armor Enhancement - II: Boot Blade

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I: Armorweave Construction


Owned by: Ghost Luka Zarkot

Prototype: Nightsister Armor

Slotted in: Vreva

The Nightsister Armor is attributed to and designed by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. It consists of a distinctive, segmented breastplate or hardened fabric for greater ease of movement that is secured by laces attached at the back. The rest of the outfit is left to segments of cloth and wraps, keeping in line with the flexible nature of the design.

Low-Light Camo (Armor Cosmetic)

Nightsister Armor has been designed with a low-light scheme camouflage. Each component of the armor has been applied with a mingled pattern of black and dark blue tones to better blend with a low-light environment.

Boot Blade (Armor Enhancement - II)

A boot on this Nightsister Armor has been fitted with a small and retractable blade, allowing the wearer of Nightsister Armor to deliver a stealthy blow using the wearer's Bladed Weapons skill.

Armorweave Construction (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I)

Nightsister Armor has been constructed using a lightweight armorweave, providing it with a little additional protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Nightsister Armors.