Researcher Robes

Researcher Robes
Type: Armor
Category: Light Armor

Armor Cosmetic: Loyalist Pattern

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I: Armorweave Construction

Armor Enhancement - I: Climate-Controlled Body Glove


Owned by: Battlelord Waza Sunrider

Prototype: Researcher Robes

The Researcher Robes is a set of armor granted to successful students of the Shadow Academy. It consists of crystal embedded pauldrons connected by a chain at the neck, as well as a large belt holding an emblem at the center and additional crystals on either side. A rune-inscribed tunic completes the ensemble with a black body suit and boots.

Loyalist Pattern (Armor Cosmetic)

Researcher Robes has been imprinted with the emblem of it's owners unit. The design is large and easy to see, implemented in such a way as to draw attention to it through changes in texture and an intelligent use of border color.

Armorweave Construction (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I)

Researcher Robes has been constructed using a lightweight armorweave, providing it with a little additional protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Researcher Robess.

Climate-Controlled Body Glove (Armor Enhancement - I)

Researcher Robes is fitted with a climate-controlled body-glove, that allows the wearer of this Researcher Robes to operate in extreme temperature conditions without loss of function, or freezing or burning to death.