Orian System

Orian System
(Star System)
Type: Star System
Category: Dominion


  • Tarthos
  • Nuvempa
  • Aeotheran
  • Sepros
  • Ombus
  • Inos
  • Ulatyu
  • Amphor


  • Dentavii Prime

Space Assets:

  • Long Range Orbital Scanner

Owned by: Clan Naga Sadow

Wiki link: Timeout or error contacting Wiki

The Orian System is the home of Clan Naga Sadow, Located near the historic Sith Space in the Outer rim. It has one star, Orian. Orian is a K5+III sequence star, with a surface temperature of under 3500° and a mass of 2 X 10^30 kg. Orian has 8 main orbits; Nuvempa, Ulatyu, Amphor, Aeotheran, Ombus, Tarthos, and Inos.

Asteroids (1/10)
Planets (8/10)
Tarthos (Planet)
Nuvempa (Planet)
Aeotheran (Planet)
Sepros (Planet)
Ombus (Planet)
Inos (Planet)
Ulatyu (Planet)
Amphor (Planet)
Space Assets (8/50)