
Type: Planet
Category: Dominion

Space Assets:

  • Perune Orbital Business District


  • Ostara
  • Elysia
  • Orth
  • Kasiya
  • Chyron
  • Iosan

Ground Assets: Empty

Owned by: Clan Taldryan

Slotted in: Caelus System

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Perune is a gas giant orbiting the star Caelus. It is made up of many layers of gas which are poisonous, but approximately 118-163 kilometers down from space has a 27 kilometer thick habitable layer rich in oxygen. This thick habitable layer is poisonous over long durations, but the temperature and pressure are suitable for human life. As a source of Clouzon-36 gas, Perune is home to several gas mining platforms once used by the Galactic Empire and repurposed for use by Clan Taldryan. The moons Chyron, Elysia, Ostara, Kayisa, Iosan, and Orth orbit Perune.

Ground Assets (0/100)

This slot is empty

Moons (6/20)
Space Assets (3/100)