
Type: Planet
Category: Dominion

Space Assets:

  • Kiast Skyhook Platform
  • Anasaye Trade Station (Vatali)
  • Automated Vulture Droid Deployment Station
  • Repair Yard


  • Kaerls

Ground Assets:

  • Voraskel Palace (Vatali)
  • Jedi Praxeum
  • Foothold (Quorahi)
  • Locus Vera Farm
  • The Motherhouse
  • Harakoan Tribal Alliance Preserve
  • Odan-Urr Space Command Academy

Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Slotted in: Kiast System

Wiki links: Kiast (Planet) and Kiast System

Kiast is a terrestrial planet orbiting the star Kiast Aurek. It is uniquely formed to hold both Type I and Type IV atmospheres. Its surface is dotted with mountains, and is covered in a thick concotion of toxic gases heavier than air that make the surface of the planet uninhabitable to most galactic species. Above the cloud cover, life blooms in large hovering cities and space stations, mountain top colonies, and airships. Surrounding the planet are rings made of rock and ice particles.

Moons (1/20)
Space Assets (10/100)
Kiast Skyhook Platform (Core Worlds Engineering Skyhook Platform)
Anasaye Trade Station (Vatali) (VenteX Trade Station)
Automated Vulture Droid Deployment Station
Repair Yard (Telgorn Corporation Repair Yard)