Tarre Vizsla Datacron

Tarre Vizsla Datacron
Type/Category: Accessory

Owned by: Fist Uji Tameike

The Tarre Vizsla Datacron is an ancient Mandalorian datacron created in the final years of Tarre Vizsla's life, one of an unknown number created. It is a cube twelve inches tall by twelve inches wide,with intricate patterns on all six sides. It is made of a combination of beskar alloy and dark crystals. with internal mechanics hidden inside. It is unique in that the Force is not required to operate it, instead being activated via a certain sequence of pushes or twists. Should the wrong sequence be entered, a painful shock will strike the holder. Once powered on it has a dark glow with white edges, the image of Tarre Vizsla projected over top in a dull grey glow. It contains the history of Clan Vizsla from its forming to the death of Tarre Vizsla, including the knowledge of battles fought, wars won, and defeats suffered. The secrets of creating Mandalorian weapons and artifacts are also contained within, and using this datacron members of Clan Vizsla search for more of their history and artifacts - as well as create new ones. It sat for centuries in a hidden vault and eventually made its way into the Shroud Syndicate, taken as a trophy members of the Clan. The Tarre Vizsla Datacron is guarded and held by whichever member of Clan Vizsla earns the most credits in a quarter.