Jai’jalaar Electro-Trident

Jai’jalaar Electro-Trident
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Staff Blade

Size: 2 slots

Granted: Pure Beskar Alloy

Owned by: Nightsister Sinya Ani

The Jai’jalaar Electro-Trident is a three-pronged Staff Blade consisting of an axe head with a spear point in the middle of the two axe blades. It is silver in color and made of alchemically enhanced beskar alloy, making the weapon resistant to lightsabers and capable of bonding with a Force-sensitive. The head of the weapon has been crafted to resemble the crest of Clan Vizsla, the diving Shriekhawk, and can be charged with electrical current through a selector switch. Both axe blades are incredibly sharp, allowing the weapon to slash or pierce with thrust, with devastating effect. The bottom of the trident has also been fitted to a point allowing it to pierce with a back thrust. The trident was created by the finest weapon-smiths of Clan Vizsla. It is a symbol of power in Clan Vizsla and awarded to the Huntmaster, the winner of the Great Hunt. Members must defend their title or lose access to the weapon, and keeping the weapon through multiple Great Hunts is a rare feat. If no rostered member holds the title of Huntmaster, the Jai'jalaar Electro-Trident will be awarded by the Consul to one they deem worthy of it.

Granted Aspect: Pure Beskar Alloy (Granted)

Pure Beskar Alloy

This Jai’jalaar Electro-Trident has been constructed with pure beskar alloy. This pure beskar alloy allows Sinya Ani to use her Jai’jalaar Electro-Trident to resist blaster and lightsaber attacks.