Eye of the Overlord

Eye of the Overlord
Type/Category: Accessory

Owned by: Master Bentre Stahoes

Wiki link: Eye of the Overlord

The Eye of the Overlord is an orb Accessory that appears to be constructed of pure platinum. It is soft to the touch, and across the orb's surface an image akin to smoke or a galaxy turns and twists across it. It was one of several items liberated by Clan Plageuis and Clan Naga Sadow, and has become a prized artifact by Clan Naga Sadow as it acts as a show of strength for the Consul - Overlord of the clan - and allows a seamless link between the Overlord and disciples of Sadow. It has two ways it can be utilized, each requiring those who wish to be affected by it to subject themselves to the Ritual of Binding in which Sith magics and blood bond each willing adherent to the Eye. It can allow the person holding it to communicate directly with an individual as though using telepathy, or project the thoughts of that individual into the minds of all those who have attuned themselves to it, up to a distance of 1 AU. This artifact does not require one to be Force-sensitive to use it, and is unable to be interrupted or intercepted by traditional technological means of communication.