Scimitar of Lord Hoth
Weapon (Bladed)
Owned by: Reaper Heiken Akechi
Slotted in: Society and Sac items.
Wiki link: The Scimitar of Lord Hoth
The Scimitar of Lord Hoth is a curved, single-edged vibrosword whose hilt was cast from material taken from what remains of Fort Pernicar and whose durasteel blade was forged with metals mined from Solyiat. At the base of the blade itself, the symbol of Hoth has been etched into the metal and inlaid with rubies and sapphires from New Tython. The overall length of the weapon is 101cm with a blade length of 85cm. Imbued with the light side, the Scimitar of Lord Hoth bathes its wielder in a healing aura and vibrates when in close proximity to Dark Jedi. The Scimitar is awarded to the member who has been named "Champion of Odan-Urr" by obtaining the most activity points in the Scimitar of Lord Hoth competition at the end of the year. This member may keep the Scimitar for as long as they retain the title, however, if another member supplants them, possession of the Scimitar is to be transferred