The Serpentine Throne is a massive throne four meters tall and forged from different carefully interwoven metals to give it a contrasting light and dark appearance, shaped like a pair of coil serpents twisting around each other. Their tails constrict around the legs, their bodies the arms, eventually reaching the top where the grim visage of the serpent's heads stares out menacingly at anyone who approaches. Carved into the top is the symbol of Clan Arcona. It serves a major conduit of sensory abilities that reach the entire system in which it rests. When someone is on the throne, they are able to passively connect to the minds of the people in the system, most notably every member of the Clan, similar in fashion to that of a master-student bond. This allows them to discern the roaring collective’s surface-level emotions, moods, and intentions. The throne is a permanent feature of the throne room in Arcona's Citadel, and may only be used by the Consul of Clan Arcona.