Serreno Astrolabe
Owned by: Clan Plagueis
Slotted in: Clan Plagueis Artifacts
The Serreno Astrolabe is an ancient Force artifact roughly .6 meters tall, forged from sacanium from a long lost vein on Serreno.The artifact is thought to have been forged by the ancient Sith on Serreno during the planet's occupation by their Empire over 3,600 years ago, but left behind when the Sith were expelled. It saw use by the Great Houses to map key hyperspace lanes around Serreno and dominate regional trade before fading into obscurity. It was eventually found by Count Dooku who would use the device during the Clone Wars to aid Separatist forces, but it was once again lost following the conflict. The device allows a Force sensitive user to enter a semi-meditative state and navigate through difficult territory, such as that found in the Unknown Regions. This allows the user to shorten the periods of time required to travel, taking only a few days where a jump by jump journey would take multiple weeks. It was eventually discovered by Clan Plagueis in an abandoned Separatist holdout, and the device is now held in a vault aboard the Plagueian Flagship Ascendancy.