Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes

Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes
Type: Armor
Category: Special Armor

Tailored Armor: Snapshot

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV: Kiirium Coating (Experimental)

Armor Enhancement - IV: Self Repair System (Advanced)

Armor Enhancement - IV: Optical Camouflage System (Advanced)

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - IV: Personal Field Disruptor (Advanced)

Special Armor Category: Light Armor


Owned by: Supreme Chancellor Cassandra Oriana Taldrya

Prototype: Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes

The Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes are attire available only to those who have had custom tailored robes designed as a mark of their own legacy within the Brotherhood. It consists of attire designed by the Herald of the Brotherhood with your own style.

Snapshot (Tailored Armor)

See snapshot image.

Kiirium Coating (Experimental) (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV)

Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes has been enhanced with a kiirium coating that allows this Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes the ability to disperse immediate major damage from heat weapons.

Self Repair System (Advanced) (Armor Enhancement - IV)

An advanced self-repair system has been integrated into this Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes, moderately reducing the amount of time spent on Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes's maintenance by allowing the armor to passively repair minor damage over a moderate duration of time.

Optical Camouflage System (Advanced) (Armor Enhancement - IV)

Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes has been fitted with an experimental optical camouflage generation system, allowing this Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes to hide from the naked eye and visual sensors by being rendered invisible. When the user moves at a slow speed, a small distortion can be seen.

Personal Field Disruptor (Advanced) (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - IV)

Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes has been fitted with an advanced personal field disruptor, forming a protective layer around this Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes so that it may pass through all but high-density shielding unscathed.

Light Armor (Special Armor Category)

Elder Tailored Brotherhood Robes provides base level protection. It can withstand glancing cuts and blows but will buckle against medium to heavy blunt force and direct strikes from bladed weapons. No protection from blasters and slugthrowers.