C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike

C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike
Type: Land Vehicle
Category: Speeder Bike

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 2

Upgrade: Empty

Enhancement: Empty

Hardpoint: Empty


Owned by: Watchman Lontra Boglach

Prototype: C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike

Slotted in: 06) Vehicles

The C-PH Patrol Speeder Bike is designed to convey power over agility, although it possesses both due to its advanced built-in repulsorlift maneuverability systems. Its sturdy shape is capable of withstanding any high-speed collisions with other vehicles. In addition, it has onboard sophisticated electronics that alert the driver of any incoming traffic. Unlike other speeder bikes, the C-PH lacks the outrigger steering vanes, instead making use of a forward-facing bank of repulsorfield vector guides for maneuvering. Other features included a retractable illuminator lamp on an articulated mount, control handle rail slots on the sides of the bike, rocker-pivoted foot pedals that control the speed and altitude, an acceleration pad with positive traction field near the seat, and the power cell access panel near the rear.

1 blaster cannon (forward)

1 pilot

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic
Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Land Vehicle Modification
Enhancement (0/1)

This slot is empty

Hardpoint (0/1)

This slot is empty

Upgrade (0/2)

This slot is empty