Saga Drinking Hall

Saga Drinking Hall
Type: Planetary Base
Category: Fortification

Fortification Cosmetic: Saga

Defenses: Empty


Owned by: Clan Vizsla

Prototype: Outpost

Slotted in: Zsoldos

Wiki link: Zsoldos

The Outpost is a small planetary installation capable of supporting up to three thousand troops or personnel. This installation can be armed with weaponry and defensive structures in small quantities.

Saga (Fortification Cosmetic)

Located in the forested crags of Ullr, Saga overlooks the great northern oceans of Zsoldos. The great drinking hall was established shortly after Ullr’s founding and serves as the community's central hub for gossip, drink, and debauchery. Built from the strong timber in the nearby forested region, Saga is a rustic structure harkening back to a time before prefabricated buildings and the comforts of modern living. While the Drinking hall is the main focus there is a small community that has developed around it.

Defenses (0/5)

This slot is empty