Torden Base

Torden Base
Type: Planetary Base
Category: Fortification

Fortification Cosmetic: Military Installation


  • DF.9 Anti-Infantry Battery
  • FPC 6.7 Anti-Aircraft Battery


Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Prototype: Outpost

Slotted in: Daleem

Wiki links: Kiast System and Torden Base

The Outpost is a small planetary installation capable of supporting up to three thousand troops or personnel. This installation can be armed with weaponry and defensive structures in small quantities.

Military Installation (Fortification Cosmetic)

Torden Base operates as a Military Base. It serves as a defensible fortress and rally point. Complete with barracks, an armory, a motor pool, a mustering yard, entrance checkpoints and walls, this Outpost serves the armed forces of Odan-Urr.