Arrow-23 Landspeeder Platoon

Arrow-23 Landspeeder Platoon
Type: Transport Platoon
Category: Ground Transport

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Clan Plagueis

Prototype: Arrow-23 Landspeeder Platoon

Slotted in: Special Missions Company Beta.IV.d

The Arrow-23 Landspeeder Platoon is a troop transport unit that consists of eight Arrow-23 Landspeeders, along with eight pilots, eight gunners, eight technicians, and four mechanics to operate and maintain them. Each is equipped with military-grade armor and windows that are blast-resistant. Each gunner operates the single roof-mounted weapon turret at the back of the craft that houses a laser cannon and concussion missile launcher with a magazine of three missiles. Operated by the pilots in the platoon, each can carry 5 passengers allowing the platoon to carry 40 soldiers or passengers.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Land Vehicle Combat Cosmetic or Land Vehicle Speeder Cosmetic