BD-77 "Cuyan" (Survivor)

BD-77 "Cuyan" (Survivor)
(BD-unit Backpack Droid)
Type: Droid
Category: Probe Droid

Droid Personality: Sarcastic Tendencies

Droid Structural Upgrade - I: Data Probe

Droid Cosmetic: Nightsister Forged

Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III: Upgraded Processor (Experimental)


Owned by: Lord Idris Adenn

Prototype: BD-unit Backpack Droid

Slotted in: 02 - Sirdi Tyma

The BD-unit Backpack Droid is a small bipedal droid designed to assist with research and exploration in remote and dangerous locations. It has a flat rectangular head with two photoreceptors, a small body, and two legs with clampable feet, allowing it to climb a person's body or other surfaces and traverse many different kinds of terrain . It is equipped with various tools; including a holocam and holoprojector, computer link, and a spotlight.

Sarcastic Tendencies (Droid Personality)

BD-77 "Cuyan" (Survivor) has developed a quirked personality, granting it an inclination towards heavy doses of sarcasm when engaged in dialogue. As a result, BD-77 "Cuyan" (Survivor) comes across as having issues taking direction and developed a reputation for 'snark'.

Data Probe (Droid Structural Upgrade - I)

This BD-unit Backpack Droid has been fitted with an extendable data probe, allowing BD-77 "Cuyan" (Survivor) to access and operate terminals and other computers.

Nightsister Forged (Droid Cosmetic)

BD-77 "Cuyan" (Survivor) shows a high level of wear on its original body. With scratched and specked black paint, broken and cracked body panels it has been hobbled together with pieces of wire, vines, metal, bones, feathers, and even a gemstone or two all scrounged from the Nightsister world of Dathomir.

Upgraded Processor (Experimental) (Droid Enhancement Upgrade - III)

The experimental memory upgrade provides quantum computing power to this BD-unit Backpack Droid, allowing it to perform complex analytical operations at an incredibly faster rate than before.