The Cusp

The Cusp
Type: Planetary Base
Category: Fortification

Size: 3 slots

Fortification Cosmetic: Hidden Temple

Defenses: Empty


Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Prototype: Base

Slotted in: Solyiat

Wiki link: Templar Jensaarai

The Base is a medium planetary installation. Capable of supporting up to ten thousand troops or personnel, this installation is versatile and can be supported by weaponry and defensive structures in substantial quantities.

Hidden Temple (Fortification Cosmetic)

The Cusp is an ancient remote temple. This Base has mysterious origins and seems to be a source of great power. It is built of ancient stone and is full of long forgotten iconography of its builders. Located in the wilds of Odan-Urr’s territory, it serves as a secret respite.

Defenses (0/15)

This slot is empty