Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol
Weapon (Blasters)
Blaster Pistol
Blaster Weapon Upgrade - I: Ion Fire Mode
Blaster Weapon Targeting Enhancement - II: Holo-Scope
Blaster Weapon Enhancement - II: Whispershot Suppressor
Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Battleworn Blaster
Owned by: Advisor Reiden Palpatine Karr
Prototype: Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol
Slotted in: 03 - Kal's Equipment
The Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol is a blaster pistol with a sleek, streamlined appearance that was used by Alderaanian security personnel before its destruction. It is equipped with various safety mechanisms to prevent unauthorized usage, including key locks. A transponder is also installed in the blaster so authorities can track each one. Bail Organa personally carried one of these pistols during the Clone Wars.
Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol has been modified to fire a pure ion bolt, allowing this Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol to fire bolts that are ineffective against organics and non-technological objects but devastating to droids or electrical equipment.
The top of this Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol has been fitted with a holographic scope, allowing Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol to project a small crosshair above the weapon that reaches a short-range.
Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol has been modified with a whispershot silencer, allowing this Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol to completely eliminate the noise produced by the gas agitation and injection.
Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol has seen combat, and it shows, with blaster marks scarring the body on the weapon, and minor damage in the form of scratches and dents unrepaired since they had no impact on the functionality of this Kueget LN-21 Blaster Pistol.